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5. International Conference on Medical Devices – ICMD 2022

5. International Conference on Medical Devices – ICMD 2022

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5th International Conference on Medical Devices, ICMD’2022, is organized by Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) and Izmir Katip Celebi University (IKCU) with international participation on May 26-28, 2022 in Gaziantep, Turkey. ICMD conferences bring together the students, users, manufacturers, researchers, and public representatives working in the field of medical device technologies. It also aims to share the information investigated from scientific researchs on the medical fields, and propose common communication platform to solve specific problems on the medical device sectors. Main conference language is English by adding Turkish title & abstract & keywords to the paper.

The papers presented in the conference satisfy the UAK application conditions under the clause of “8.1. Studies presented in international scientific meetings (excluding posters), whose full text or abstracts are published in paper or electronically in the proceedings booklet” since this conference series is international by providing the condition of “International Scientific Meeting: A meeting where scientists from different countries are in the scientific committee and the presentations are accepted after scientific preliminary examination.” In addition, the supporting journal satisfies the UAK application conditions under the clause of “1.3. Article published in other international peer-reviewed journals.”

All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 referees from the Scientific Committee members who are experts in the related field. All accepted papers will appear in the Abstract Book with ISBN and full-length versions of these papers will be published in supporting International Journals.

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Date And Time

2022-05-26 / 09:00 to
2022-05-28 / 17:00



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