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6. International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies

6. International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies

370 370 people viewed this event.

Message From Chair

Dear Colleagues;

The objective of ICPESS (International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies) is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians as well as industrial and business professionals from all over the world to present their research papers in the areas of politics, economics and social studies.

It is expected that ICPESS would serve as a discussion forum and platform and strengthen the link between academia and industry. On behalf of the organizing committe, it is our pleasure to let you know that the congress preparation is going well and to assure you that ICPESS-2022 would reach its goals. 

We are looking forward to receiving your papers and seeing you for future .

Best regards,

Additional Details

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

2022-05-13 / 09:00 to
2022-05-15 / 18:00



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